Strictly speaking, polyphony means "many voices," and thus, any style of music that contains more parts than just a single melodic line (monophony) is polyphonic. Period (around 1310-1380) that succeeded Ars antiqua, mixing the sacred with the secular. ASSIGNMENTS - Music Appreciation 1 This is the texture of Gregorian chant during the ... It is a form of instrumental music of the Baroque period that employs a solo instrument accompanied by an orchestra. Rhythm. 23 The Clarity of Monophonic Texture, LO 1.2 14. Gregorian chant melodies tend to move by leaps over a wide range of pitches. Are Gregorian chants Polyphonic? - Like most Gregorian chants the texture of this piece is monophonic and polyphonic. A. Concerto grosso C. Fugue B. Chorale D. Concerto. Musical compositions during the Medieval period was made mostly by members of the church for the church. The following statements are characteristics of a gregorian chant except A.plainsong B. used neumes in tempo D.polyphonic texture 1 See answer Advertisement Advertisement AngelieJ022 AngelieJ022 Except . Have a listen to this performance of Debussy's "Syrinx" for solo flute. Monophonic, polyphonic, and homophonic. Gregorian chant is the central tradition of Western plainchant, a form of monophonic, unaccompanied sacred song in Latin (and occasionally Greek) of the Roman Catholic Church. What Is The Texture Of Gregorian Chant - Music-for-Church ... Which of the following terms characterize the texture of Gregorian chant? Gregorian Chant - Influence - Medieval and Renaissance ... The texture of Gregorian chant is said to be a. monophonic. View Notes - part 2 multiple choice 1 from MUS 300 at University of Louisiana, Lafayette. Michael Haller polyphonic "Kyrie" followed by Gregorian Chant "Gloria" from the Missa de Angelis at Corpus Christi Latin High Mass on 26 June 2011 by Latin S. What is the texture of this music? What is the texture of Gregorian chant? 2 or more independent lines playing different melodies at the same time is known as. This piece of music is a good example of: (:20) Polyphonic texture. Used Neumes C. Free in Tempo D. Polyphonic Texture The earliest roots of modern music notation, where notes were represented by a square. monophonic. In this chant, only one melody is heard (whether sung by a soloist or by the group) with no accompaniment. 1) Gregorian chant *A)* is monophonic in texture. The following excerpt represents monophonic texture. Generally speaking, the musical texture of Gregorian chant (like many other types of chants from around the world) is monophonic and singers sing in unison (all singers sing the exact same melody together). 17 b. The Texture of Medieval Renaissance Music. What is polyphonic texture in Gregorian chant? Which of the following is not true of Gregorian chant? Cante alentejano . *B)* is polyphonic in texture. The Texture and Melody of Gregorian Chant. It is extraordinary how much emotion Debussy . Gregorian chant is monophonic rather than polyphonic (one part vs. several parts) and is sacred in theme. *C)* is homophonic in When we do polyphonic propers, we just do the polyphony and not the chant. Music in early Christian worship consisted of melody only. 8th century B. dancing. Gregorian Chant during the Middle Ages was chiefly a. monophonic in texture. The four main properties of musical sounds are pitch, dynamics, tone color, and a. duration b. rhythm c. melody Best Answer. Definition. As far as we can tell from the sparse historical record, Gregorian chant was sung without a regular beat. 13. Polyphonic A musical texture consisting of two or more melodic lines. D. As you'll soon learn, this practice was called organum, and it introduced a new texture, known as polyphony, to the sacred music of the Middle Ages that had been dominated by the monophonic texture of plainchant. This piece is a good example of: (:18) Homophonic texture. C. It has a romantic musical melody. For several centuries, this complex-or polyphonic-music was composed by many of Europe's most . 73. The Catholic Church later allowed polyphonic arrangements to replace the Gregorian chant of the Ordinary of the Mass. 6. b. homophonic. s. vongola|Points 0| Log in for more information. Comtessa Beatriz de Dia - A Chantar Gregorian chant consists of_ melody sung without accompaniment. Some composers have written entire pieces of monophonic music for solo instruments. The majority of music during the Renaissance period was polyphonic Homophonic A musical texture consisting of a melody supported by an accompaniment (harmony). The video above is a classic example of a Gregorian chant, sung in unison by the male voices of the Gregorian Choir of Paris. Toward the end of the Middle Ages, more complex music, featuring the simultaneous singing of more than one melodic line, was composed for use in worship. A. a capella B. polyphonic C. cantus firmus D. imitative What did Arnold Schoenberg, Anton Webern, and Alban Berg call themselves? Study now. It is usually polyphonic in texture. Which following statements is NOT a characteristic of a Gregorian chant? What are the characteristics of Gregorian chants . 2 See answers Advertisement Advertisement taskmasters taskmasters The correct answer is A. Gregorian chant is monophonic which means that it has a basic texture. (1 point) volume level of the music speed or pace of the music layers of sound and combination of voices unique sound quality of an instrument's voice 3. Definition. The Wandering minstrels or Jongueurs of the middle ages: a. a. Kyrie c. Credo b. Neumes d. Agnus Dei. 4. Emerged in the final period of late medieval music (around 1380-1420) and continued to use the technique of isorhythms but with added complexity. It has a tranquil celestial stream of sound. Organum is a term applied to medieval music that consists of Gregorian chant and an additional melodic line. It is well known that in 1846, Patriarch Anthimos VI, who between 1845 and 1873 served three non-consecutive terms on the Ecumenical Throne, issued an encyclical, together with his Bishops, in November of that year, decrying and disallowing the introduction of polyphonic singing in four parts (tetraphony) into . C. polyphonic. Gregorian Chant in monophony texture means the unity of the congregation and the church in worship. The scale patterns of Gregorian chants are referred to as: A. church modes B. major-minor system C. chromatic system D. all of the above. D. Gregorian chant is named after Pope Gregory I, who A. composed all the chants presently in use B. had his name put on the first printed edition C. was credited by medieval legend with having created it D. write the tests for the chants. D. Polyphonic texture . Wiki User. a. Polyphonic c. Homophonic b. Monophonic d. None of the above. Did he compose all the chants, have his name put on the first printed edition, he is credited by medieval legend with having created it, or did he actually write the texts for the chants? 2. 74. Gregorian chant and classic choral polyphony were integrated into the Liturgy. Asked 6/2/2015 1:00:06 AM. A. The same note is produced from men and women and all notes are sung together. Is the texture of . A sacred (and sometimes secular) vocal composition based on Gregorian Chant with 2 or more parts in polyphonic texture and more independent rhythmic parts. 5. Gregorian chant is the central tradition of Western plainchant, a form of monophonic, unaccompanied sacred song in Latin (and occasionally Greek) of the Roman Catholic Church. B. heterophonic. Is Gregorian chant monophonic, polyphonic, or homophonic in texture? Plainchant or plainsong consisting of single melodic line a. Texture is an element you will use when identifying pieces from all the periods of music history so you'll want to study this material very carefully. It consists only of melody and is not accompanied by a harmony. A. Kathy May 2015. Rhythm. At the end of the reading assignment you'll find links to three pieces you can listen to; see if you can identify the textures of the pieces based on your reading. As far as we can tell from the sparse historical record, Gregorian chant was sung without a regular beat. Term. A. . d. both b and c Answer: A Chapter 1 Pg. See Answer. What are the 3 characteristics of Gregorian […] mirajane|Points 156| User: Smooth, stepwise movement within a melodic phrase, subphrase, or statement is known as _____ motion. The earliest surviving chant manuscripts date . The music the medieval monks sang was called _____. False, Gregorian chant has a narrow range and is in conjunct motion. Gregorian chant is the central tradition of Western plainchant, a form of monophonic, unaccompanied sacred song in Latin (and occasionally Greek) of the Roman Catholic Church.Gregorian chant developed mainly in western and central Europe during the 9th and 10th centuries, with later additions and redactions. It is one of the characteristics . Updated 6/2/2015 1:23:33 AM . The best-known style of music from the Medieval period is Gregorian chant, or plainchant, in which monks would sing religious texts as part of the Roman Catholic Mass. During Lent or Advent it's polyphonic proper, then another motet. (:14) false. User: The texture of Gregorian chant is said to be A. homophonic.B. The following excerpt represents polyphonic texture. The following are characteristics of a Gregorian Chant, except A plainsong<br />C. used neumes<br />B Free Tempo<br />D. polyphonic texture Is monophonic in texture b. Gregorian chant developed mainly in western and central Europe during the 9th and 10th centuries, with later additions and redactions. 5. Polyphony is a topic that causes much controversy in the Church. The majority of music during the Renaissance period was polyphonic Homophonic A musical texture consisting of a melody supported by an accompaniment (harmony). D. An important region in the development of notation was: Gregorian chant is the central tradition of Western plainchant, a form of monophonic, unaccompanied sacred song in Latin (and occasionally Greek) of the Roman Catholic Church.Gregorian chant developed mainly in western and central Europe during the 9th and 10th centuries, with later additions and redactions. a. Harmony- Because Gregorian chants have a monophonic texture, they do . The texture of Gregorian chant is said to be A. homophonic. 6. In this type of texture, each melodic line has equal importance. 5. Polyphony is a type of musical texture consisting of two or more simultaneous lines of independent melody, as opposed to a musical texture with just one voice, monophony, or a texture with one dominant melodic voice accompanied by chords, homophony. (1 point) monophonic polyphonic homophonic quadraphonic 2. Monophonic texture. c. polyphonic in texture. Finally! a. monophonic b. homophonic c. polyphonic d. multiphonic. The addition of more melodic lines to the Gregorian chants created polyphonic texture, meaning it has two or more melodic lines. a. Kyrie c. Credo b. Neumes d. Agnus Dei. C. heterophonic. A medieval motet contains complicated rhythmic techniques such as isorhythm and hocket. . Is monophonic in texture. The following statements are characteristics of a Gregorian Chant, EXCEPT; A. Plainsong B. Performed music in castles, taverns, and town squares b. Multi-voice elaborations of Gregorian chant, known as organum, were an early stage in the development of Western polyphony. It consists only of melody and is not accompanied by a harmony. Advertisement Advertisement New questions in Music. Gregorian chant played a fundamental role in the development of polyphony. b. homophonic in texture. a. Polyphonic c. Homophonic b. Monophonic d. None of the above. Definition Monophonic, polyphonic, and homophonic: Term One instrument or multiple in unison, one note at a time: Definition : Term 2 or more independent lines playing different melodies at the same time is known as: Definition : Term Monophonic line with chords: Definition : Term What is imitation and in which texture is this found? Gregorian chant is the central tradition of Western plainchant, a form of monophonic liturgical chant of Western Christianity that accompanied the celebration of Mass and other ritual services. 7 c. 42 d. 2 Answer: B Chapter 1 The earliest surviving chant manuscripts date . D. polyphonic. ________ is traditionally associated with collecting and organizing the chants of the church. Pope Gregory the Great_ reorganized the liturgy of the Catholic church during his reign from 590-604. Gregorian chant a. is monophonic in texture b. is polyphonic in texture c. is homophonic in texture d. has no texture. [1] Multi-voice elaborations of Gregorian chant, known as organum, were an early stage in the development of Western polyphony. Choose the correct definition of timbre. The chant progresses upward and downward in little increments and jumps within a limited range. Polyphony is a type of musical texture consisting of two or more simultaneous lines of independent melody, as opposed to a musical texture with just one voice, monophony, or a texture with one dominant melodic voice accompanied by chords, homophony. Both are primarily a capella, though madrigals sometimes have one or more parts played on instruments. the Medieval period (Gregorian Chant). Is homophonic in texture c. Is polyphonic in texture d. Has no texture. Ars subtilior. Are Gregorian chants Polyphonic? The attention given to liturgical sacred music in the "Alte Kapelle" was so significant that it reached far beyond the confines of the region, making Regensburg a center for the reform of sacred music, and its influence has continued to the present time. d. heterophonic. after the s? Réponses: 2 questionner: 2. 1. Definition. Gregorian chant is the central tradition of Western plainchant, a form of monophonic, unaccompanied sacred song in Latin (and occasionally Greek) of the Roman Catholic Church. Stepwise within a narrow range of pitches. Gregorian chant: a. If it happens during OT, Easter, or Christmas - it's usually organ, then polyphonic proper, then more organ (if necessary). It is usually polyphonic in texture. How do Gregorian chant melodies tend to move? Click the play button to listen to the audio sample. During the Renaissance, the church had less power over musical activity. D. monophonic The texture of Gregorian chant is said to be Monophonic. In this type of texture, each melodic line has equal importance. . The Gregorian chant is commonly used in churches and other religious congregations and was first developed . Posts: 5,359. The melody of a Gregorian chant is highly free-flowing, as is the rhythm of the chant. MOTET. This is the texture of Gregorian chant during the Medieval period. The following music excerpt features: (:17) A mixture of polyphonic and homophonic textures. Lived on the lowest level of society a. duration. 6. monophonic. the Medieval period (Gregorian Chant). Match the poet-composers to the region where one could expect to find them during the Middle Ages. The earliest roots of modern music notation, where notes were represented by a square. Because Gregorian chants are monophonic in texture. Some of the music of Asia demonstrates polyphony, which is part of the reason why Asian music sounds so alien to Western listeners. ∙ 2011-10-27 06:08:34. Monophony is most simplistic of musical textures and just has one single melody with no harmony or accompanying tones. Plainchant or plainsong consisting of single melodic line a. Renaissance madrigals are secular (non-religious) and have multiple voices. What is the texture of Gregorian chant? It is usually polyphonic in texture. Multi-voice elaborations of Gregorian chant, known as organum, were an early stage in the development of Western polyphony. Gregorian chant. Polyphonic A musical texture consisting of two or more melodic lines. a. Charlemagne b. Léonin c. Pope Gregory the Great d. Gregorian chant is the central tradition of Western plainchant, a form of monophonic liturgical chant of Western Christianity that accompanied the celebration of Mass and other ritual services. 16th century C. 13th century D. 11th century. 5. A Catholic hymnal that doesn't mimic or "build upon" Protestant hymnals: - - The Brebeuf hymnal is a 932-page Pew B. Hildegard entered the Benedictine convent at what age? Gregorian chants are an excellent example of homophonic music. "Monophonic" is a musical term that means a single melody is performed unaccompanied (that . Gregorian melodies are traditionally written using neumes, an early form of musical notation from which the modern four-line and five-line staff developed. 5. C. 2. What is polyphonic texture in Gregorian chant? Monophonic C. polyphonic B. Homophonic D. multi polyphony. nope. B. Gregorian chant is named after Pope Gregory I. One function of secular music in the late Middle Ages was to provide accompaniment for _____. Gregorian chant is_ monophonic in texture. (:21) false Monophony is the oldest type of music (it was the only type of music performed in Ancient Greece) and was the form of music used in early church plainchant and Gregorian Chant music.. Gregorian chant was traditionally sung by choirs of men and boys in churches, or by women and men of religious orders in their chapels. Copy. 6. False it is monophonic. The use of chant as a cantus firmus was the predominant practice until the Baroque period, when the stronger harmonic progressions made possible by an independent bass line became standard. As you'll soon learn, this practice was called organum, and it introduced a new texture, known as polyphony, to the sacred music of the Middle Ages that had been dominated by the monophonic texture of plainchant. Example: Gregorian chant, "Kyrie eleison" - simplest texture - Gregorian Chant / all singing same pitch at same time, which means it's a monophonic texture / fullness of hearing one melody / a hiss sound? The correct answer is A. Gregorian chant is monophonic which means that it has a basic texture. A. the First Viennese School B. the Second Viennese School C. the Twentieth-Century Composers D. the Schoenberg School Click the play button below to listen to the audio . Which of the following musical works includes . Polyphonic Chant Ars nova. Asian music also utilizes different keys and time signatures, making it instantly recognizable to people with some musical training as the product of a . Melodies are frequentlymelismatic, meaning that syllables are stretched across numerous notes. I NEED A GOOD GRADE ON THIS TO PASS Which term best describes the style of Gregorian chant? One instrument or multiple in unison, one note at a time. It is energetic, lively, and well-articulated musical lines. c. polyphonic. What is the general feel or mood of a Gregorian chant? What is the texture of the Gregorian Chant Kyrie? Used neumes B. Polyphonic texture C. Free in tempo D. Plainsong 2. Weegy: The texture of Gregorian chant is said to be D. Monophonic (This is the SAME sound moving at the SAME rhythm.) 6. It is the music of the Roman Rite, performed in the Mass and the monastic Office. Definition Monophonic, polyphonic, and homophonic: Term One instrument or multiple in unison, one note at a time: Definition : Term 2 or more independent lines playing different melodies at the same time is known as: Definition : Term Monophonic line with chords: Definition : Term What is imitation and in which texture is this found? A motet also has highly developed polyphony. Term. Question. It has a monophonic texture because it consists of a single melodic . Plainchant or Gregorian chant is typically monophonic. Like Gregorian chant, Qur'anic recitation is in monophonic texture and is nonmetrical.Unlike Gregorian chant, it is not considered to be music. a. A. Polyphonic texture came into existence around the: A. From Gregorian Chant To Polyphony. Even Byzantine chant is polyphonic because it consists of a melodic line and a sustained pedal tone, I don't . Instead, the Kings, Princes and other prominent members of the courts had more influence. Today, church choirs are singing in polyphonic texture which creates a harmonious sound that may please the congregation while bearing the same principle of gregorian chant which is to evoke the mood of worship and religious reflection. On Monotonic and Polyphonic Chant. "Viderunt Omnes" is a typical Gregorian chant in that it uses diatonic, not chromatic notes of the scale. Llsdmw, MFDBCe, Gjtrly, hFCTp, EzRNqR, SePl, sbs, DYKd, TLx, jtY, ubm, fPyGNm, PKuOKC, aAb, D. polyphonic texture came into existence around the: a collecting and organizing chants... Madrigals sometimes have one or more parts played on instruments performed unaccompanied ( that a... < >. Wikipedia < /a > 13 of texture, each melodic line has importance... Chorale d. 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