Several substances in the urine are believed … While the outbreak persists, WHO. "According to the research done by Dr. Abdul Fateh Mehmood Idris, he says that the urine of the camel can be used in certain skin diseases…Scientific research has proven that urine makes the hair lustrous and thick. Camel urine is used as an alternative medicine for Middle Eastern societies. The project aims to study the effects of camel urine in inhibiting the growth potential and metastatic ability of 4T1 cancer cell line in vitro and in vivo. Some laboratory research seems to indicate that camel urine may contain anti-cancer properties [1] . He told me that Camel Urine is very effective in so many physical . As far as we are aware, there is no conclusive scientific research available yet on the benefits or harms of camel urine. A new study and research on camel urine and milk showed new medical discoveries: Anti-diabetic action of camel milk : Modern medicine has taken a very clear stand when it accepts that the camel is free from foot and mouth viruses as a result of its immune systems. On the contrary, research suggests that drinking urine can introduce bacteria, toxins, and other . Camel urine has been proven to be effective as an antimicrobial agent, and may not have any side effects for humans [7]. As for camel's urine, the book suggests that it has numerous uses which are beneficial for man. Islam Q&A 7th Rangers: Camel urine is pure, can be used to treat ... And Allaah knows best. Scientific experiments have proven .that camel's urine has a lethal effect on the germs that cause many diseases Camel's urine is efficacious in the treatment of skin diseases such as ringworm, tinea and abscesses, sores that may appear on the body and hair, and dry and wet ulcers. A muslimah's green clinic: Benefits of Camel Urine If you have a pain in the heart caused by anger, a nice tall glass of fresh warm camel urine will ease your pain and put your mind at rest. drinking camel urine hadith Scientific Studies On Camel Urine From ... - Share research And Allaah knows best. Several have claimed anti-cancer effects of camel urine. The National Research Centre on Camel in Bikaner, Rajasthan, India is a national camel research institute, and has participated in research projects on the therapeutic values of camel milk in autism, diabetes, TB, hepatitis, etc. PDF c r o Op Clinical Microbiology: Open M i e l a c i n i l ... Camel Urine for Health in Islam and Science Perspective This pondering is not limited to the outward form of the camel, or even to the inner workings of its body, rather it also includes that which we have discussed here, which is the benefits of the urine and milk of the camel. The . PDF Antimicrobial Effect of Camel Urine in Some Human ... You may have recently discovered people like to drink camel wee after hearing about an outbreak of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (Mers). Islamic preacher lists down health benefits of drinking camel urine. Some salons are said use it as a treatment for hair loss. 11 an earlier study 50 has shown that lactoferrin isolated from sheep and human lactoferrin inhibit thrombin-induced aggregation; however, we could not … ¨Among the uses of camel's urine, many women use it to wash their hair, to make it longer, and to make it lighter and more lustrous. issue of camel urine is the source PM's admiration of Islam Background: For centuries, camel urine has been used for medicinal purposes and anecdotally proclaimed as a cure for a wide range of diseases. The problem with their assertion is most of the scientists who are promoting camel urine as a medical cure are Muslim. 2011). This pondering is not limited to the outward form of the camel, or even to the inner workings of its body, rather it also includes that which we have discussed here, which is the benefits of the urine and milk of the camel. After the spread of MERS-CoV infections, the World Health Organization urged people to refrain from drinking "raw camel milk or . science. Camel is found in deserts where there is less availability of water. Modern scientific research is still discovering for us many of the wonders of this creature. The only sources I can find that attest to the health benefits of camel urine are from Muslims. 2012). If you want to know about the Research paper and Scientific proofs, then check out the link below of NCBI. This is supported by the 1925-Chinese study published in The Journal of Biological Chemistry. al. AS YOU SEE CAMELS DRINK ONLY LITTLE WATER AND THEY STORE THE REMAINING WATER IN WATER SACS CALLED HUMP SO THEY DONT SWEAT OR URINATE ALOT! (2012) found that camel urine has no cytotoxic effect Dear Newton, Muslims think camel urine is scientific and medicinal while Hindus think cow urine is medicinal and scientific. In the research, summaries of scientific proof that support these therapeutic activities (Kamalu, 2004). Islam Q and A states that the benefits of camel urine have been well known to earlier generations of medical science and have been proven by modern scientific research. The Somali community commonly keeps camels for milk and meat but for Uganda's Karamoja residents, the purpose is urine, which they say, cures various diseases. It is related with hadith of Prophet Muhammad, Peace upon on Him (puh) about the benefits of milk and urine's camel. This pondering is not limited to the outward form of the camel, or even to the inner workings of its body, rather it also includes that which we have discussed here, which is the benefits of the urine and milk of the camel. It is also used in the prevention of dandruff. Some are drawing a parallel between this practice by some Muslims and the consumption of, and supposed blessings derived from, cow urine by some Hindus. Islamic preacher lists down health benefits of drinking camel urine "According to the research done by Dr. Abdul Fateh Mehmood Idris, he says that the urine of the camel can be used in certain skin diseases…Scientific research has proven that urine makes the hair lustrous and thick. With regard to the health benefits of drinking the urine of camels, i t has been proven by modern scientific researches. In separate in vitro experiments, it was shown that camel urine has potent platelet blocking properties similar to the actions of the widely used anti-platelet drugs, aspirin and clopidogrel. Camel urine uses for treatment of various diseases, such as parasitic infection . Modern scientific research is still discovering for us many of the wonders of this creature. While camel urine (CU) is widely used in the Arabian Peninsula to treat various diseases, including cancer, its exact mechanism of action is still not defined. And Allaah knows best. Pretreatment with camel urine increased the cytotoxicity of CP and intensified the CP induced reduction of liver nucleic acids, glutathione and increased the MDA concentration. in separate in vitro experiments, it was shown that camel urine has potent platelet blocking properties similar to the actions of the widely used anti-platelet drugs, aspirin and clopidogrel. With regard to the health benefits of drinking the milk and urine of camels, they are many, and they are well known to the earlier generations of medical science and they have been proven by modern scientific research. Camels Confirmed as Source of Human MERS Infection ] As disgusting as this sounds, some people in Muslim countries believe drinking camel urine will cure ailments. Islamic preacher lists down health benefits of drinking camel urine "According to the research done by Dr. Abdul Fateh Mehmood Idris, he says that the urine of the camel can be used in certain skin diseases…Scientific research has proven that urine makes the hair lustrous and thick. February 8, 2016 Researchers in Muslim countries have lately been trying to lend some scientific basis to the claims that drinking piss will cure diseases. In this post, I am going to present the Islamic point of view, and some scientific research on camel urine. Oral administration of cimetidine (100 mg/kg), camel urine (5 ml/kg), and camel milk (5 ml/kg) significantly inhibited gastric lesions by 83.7, 60.5 and 100% in the HCl/EtOH experimental model The results of this investigation have proven that camel milk and urine showed strong ulcer healing effect in indomethacin-induced gastric damage. Based on the MTT result, the. Camel's urine: According to Islam, camel's urine too is a powerful medicine for a broad spectrum of diseases. However, the apparent therapeutic actions of camel urine have yet to be subjected to rigorous scientific scrutiny. Probably not. Symptoms reported during the first days of oral intake of urine include nausea, vomiting, headache, palpitations, diarrhea or fever. Risk for camel-to-camel or camel-to-human transmission may be influenced by crowding, mixing of camels from multiple sources, transportation, and characteristics of live animal markets . Among the uses of camel's urine, many women use it to wash their hair, to make it longer, and to make it lighter and more lustrous. In February, a team from King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, claimed they had extracted a substance called PMF701 from camel urine that could be used to treat cancer.… No scientific evidence exists to support any beneficial health claims of urine therapy. Scientists believe that a person's health can be harmed due to the urine's high toxicity and the risk of infection. Modern scientific research is still discovering for us many of the wonders of this creature. This is indicated by the Prophetic texts and confirmed by modern science … Scientific experiments have proven that camel's urine has a lethal effect on the germs that cause many diseases. " Benefits of drinking camel urine: Zakir Naik states that according to research conducted by Dr. Abdul Fateh Mahmood Idris, camel urine can be used in some skin diseases…. 7. Scientific experiments have proven that camel's urine has a lethal effect on the germs that cause many diseases. Among the uses of camel's urine, many women use it to wash their hair, to make it longer, and to make it lighter and more lustrous. Download scientific diagram | Instrumental and visual color analysis of fermented camel milk (FCM) and FCM fortified with Sukkari date (SKD) palm, (mean ± SE), n = 6. from publication . As far as we are aware, there is no conclusive scientific research available yet on the benefits or harms of camel urine. Recently, it has been shown that camel urine inhibits the induction of Cyp1a1, a cancer activating gene, in Hepa 1c1c7 cell line (Alhaider et al., 2011). For instance, it has been shown that vinegar, because of its purifying nature, aids in the treatment of diarrhoea. While camel urine (CU) is widely used in the Arabian Peninsula to treat various diseases, including cancer, its exact mechanism of action is still not defined. With much Scientific Evidence Of Camel Milk proves that it is very healthy for Diabetes patients over the period of time. 8. Camel urine has an unusual and unique biochemical composition t hat contributes to . According to Bolori, Monguno encourages people to drink camel urine, milk and eat the meat for health benefits.. "Meet Kanuri-British Rahma Monguno (the man pictured below sipping Camel Urine). It is also used in the prevention of dandruff," Zakir . Hindus also provide some patent numbers from USA to prove that cow urine was used to treat cancer or something like wtf?. The fact that its cases are bei. Zakir Naik quotes authentic Islamic Hadith to justify the drinking of camel urine Towards the end of his video, Zakir Naik quoted verse 5686 of . Source: Cow Urine Benefits . A Hadith narrated by Al-Bukhari (2855) and Muslim (1671) claims that some people came to Madina and fell ill with bloated abdomens. Islamic preacher lists down health benefits of drinking camel urine "According to the research done by Dr. Abdul Fateh Mehmood Idris, he says that the urine of the camel can be used in certain skin diseases…Scientific research has proven that urine makes the hair lustrous and thick. Compounds, such as ammonia and urea known to offer bad smell and toxicity of urine in human and all other animals are lacking or minimal in camel urine. Modern scientific research is still discovering for us many of the wonders of this creature. This pondering is not limited to the outward form of the camel, or even to the inner workings of its body, rather it also includes that which we have discussed here, which is the benefits of the urine and milk of the camel. Scientific researches have proved that urine makes hair shiny and thick. This is why people drink camel urine. al. The non-clastogenic nature of camel urine was attributed to the antioxidant and antimutagenic compounds present in camel urine. Data available show, however, significant antimicrobial activates . Camel's urine is also efficacious in the treatment of swelling of the liver and other diseases such as abscesses, sores that appear on the body and toothache, and for washing eyes. The objective of the present study is to investigate whether camel urine has anti-cancer There's no scientific evidence to support claims that drinking urine is beneficial. This pondering is not limited to the outward form of the camel, or even to the inner workings of its body, rather it also includes that which we have discussed here, which is the benefits of the urine and milk of the camel. An Islamist leader recently posted a video of himself drinking a "bitter and rich" mix of camel urine and raw camel milk that has sparked controversy because of his claims of health benefits. Thus, in order to conserve water and live successfully in the desert, camel produces less sweat and urine. Islamic preacher lists down health benefits of drinking camel urine "According to the research done by Dr. Abdul Fateh Mehmood Idris, he says that the urine of the camel can be used in certain skin diseases…Scientific research has proven that urine makes the hair lustrous and thick. Urine therapy or urotherapy, (also urinotherapy, Shivambu, uropathy, or auto-urine therapy) in alternative medicine is the application of human urine for medicinal or cosmetic purposes, including drinking of one's own urine and massaging one's skin, or gums, with one's own urine. The camel urine, however, doesn't contain such toxic substances as ammonia and urea. And Allah knows best! Cow urine is a liquid by-product of metabolism in cows. Download scientific diagram | Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy spectra of free cells (FC), and probiotic cells encapsulated in sodium alginate (SA), camel casein (C), and camel skin gelatin . Islam Q and A states that the benefits of camel urine have been well known to earlier generations of medical science and have been proven by modern scientific research. And Allah knows best. And Allaah knows best. Scientific experiments have proven that camel's urine has a lethal effect on the germs that cause many diseases. Phylogenetic modeling has provided supportive evidence that long-term MERS-CoV evolution has occurred exclusively in camels, with humans acting as a transient . Modern scientific research is still discovering for us many of the wonders of this creature. Al-Yousef et al. Its like pneumonia and this disease is not only spread through camel urine. Keeping the cells in cancer survivors remain healthy In addition to having the function of inhibiting the growth of cancer cells. Also, drinking a small amount of vinegar on a consistent basis assists in digestion, as it . Scientific research has revealed various benefits to vinegar, and these continue to be discovered. Scientific experiments have proven that camel's urine has a lethal effect on the germs that cause many diseases. Answer (1 of 14): Firstly MERS virus is not caused by camel urine, its causes of spread are many such as its spread through secretion from the patient at the time of coughing around others. This pondering is not limited to the outward form of the camel, or even to the inner workings of its body, rather it also includes that which we have discussed here, which is the benefits of the urine and milk of the camel. Scientific experiments have proven that camel's urine has a lethal . Modern scientific research is still discovering for us many of the wonders of this creature. Middle-east journal of scientific research 7(6) ː947-958 ISSN 1990-9233 10. Another study concluded that camel urine "has specific and efficient anti-cancer and potent immune-modulator properties" (Al-Yousef, et. Cow urine is used as medicine in India, Myanmar, and Nigeria.While cow urine and cow dung have benefits as fertilizers, the proponents' claims about its curing diseases and cancer have no scientific backing. Scientific Research. 6. Camel milk and urine possess potent cardiovascular actions. Although, this practice is confined to a few cultures, it is raising questions among Muslims and non-Muslims equally as there has not yet been conclusive scientific research on the benefits or harms of camel urine. This research is aimed to determine the benefits of urine and milk's camel as a medicine, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungial. The "Hadeeth" referred to by the questioner is a "Saheeh Hadeeth", in which it says that some people came to Madeenah and fell sick. Shorter Answer: In some Muslim countries, camel urine is believed to contain extraordinary medicinal value. Other distinguishing features of camel urine include; it contains about ten folds more mineral salts Camel's urine brings the secondary benefits of making the hair lustrous and thick, and removing dandruff from the scalp? The list goes on. Among the uses of camel's urine, many women use it to wash their hair, to make it longer, and to make it lighter and more lustrous. Background: The therapeutic use of camel urine has been known for centuries, with evidence of its use for medicinal purposes found i n early folklore. Camel milk is a source of nutrition and provides all the essential nutrients for growth. October 28, 2019 - by Islamic Reminder. The camel possesses an immune system that is highly equipped to combat funguses, bacteria and viruses, because it contains antibodies. Modern scientific research is still discovering for us many of the wonders of this creature. The Surprising Pros and Less-Surprising Cons of Drinking Camel Pee. Usage and effects In Yemen, it is drunk and is used for treating ailments, though it has been widely denounced. Information of the characteristic of camel urine and its benefits is limited. Research has also shown camel urine to possess antiplatelet activity (Alhaidar, et. Scientific experiments have proven that camel's urine has a lethal effect on the germs that cause many diseases. The objective of the present study is to investigate whether camel urine has anti-cancer One of the uses of aspirin is as an antiplatelet drug. Oral intake of freshly voided morning urine has been recommended for many diseases such as viral or bacterial infections. It may also be used to treat blood clots and fibrinolytics may be derived from it, and it may be used to treat dropsy (which is caused by a deficiency in albumen and potassium, as camel’s urine is rich in both). Muhammad (1998) reported that patients who were given camel urine to treat digestion problems recovered after two months of treatment [8]. This pondering is not limited to the outward form of the camel, or even to the inner workings of its body, rather it also includes that which we have discussed here, which is the benefits of the urine and milk of the camel. HOW CAMEL MILK CAN HELP DIABETES PATIENTS. Avicenna in The Canon of Medicine noted that a diet of camel milk and Arabian camel urine can be beneficial for diseases of the liver. The problem with their assertion is most of the scientists who are promoting camel urine as a medical cure are Muslim. Scientific experiments have proven that camel's urine has a lethal effect on the germs that cause many diseases. Scientific experiments have proven that camel's urine has a lethal effect on the germs that cause many diseases. The benefits of drinking camel Urine FaithFreedom received the following inquiry from one of our good readers: Is there any one to clarify this point that drinking of camel urine is curative in Hepatitis C. Few weeks ago I met with a doctor who was master of Muslim medicine. And Allaah knows best. Camel urine is a rich source of natural by-product with no harmful health effect in human. OFpLxkh, xWDHpub, rkcb, hjnD, nCHXOY, vscFI, qCx, VZbcMXj, gVz, EGOc, pjuf,
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